dress in India greatly varies across the regions in its colours and styles,
and depend on various factors, including climate. The Indian lifestyle is
governed by various ancient beliefs and traditions. India is a diverse
country following different lifestyles depending on the place of origin, its
habitat, climate and cultural influences. This is also seen in respect of
the dresses worn by the people of India. Different states of India have
their own individual identity in terms of the dress worn by the natives of
that state. Indian men and women prefer to wear their traditional dresses
during any religious ceremonies or festive occasions. Indian women
traditional dresses have been successful in attracting the attention of and
capturing the global market.
The Indian Traditional Dress for women is the traditional saree, the salwar
kameez and the lehenga or ghagra choli. While in the norther region of
India, the women prefer to wear salwar kameez or suits, the eastern and
southern region women's traditional dress is the saree. In the western part
of India like Gujarat, Rajasthan, the colorful tie and dye ghagra cholis are
traditional dresses for Indian women.
The diverse cultures and traditions have greatly influenced the styles of
these Indian costumes.
Indian Women Traditional Dress
The Indian women traditional
dresses can be divided into five main categories region wise which are given
Popular dresses are salwar kameez, damaan, kurti, chunder,
phuran, ghagra cholis etc. Check out the details
Popular traditional dresses of Indian women in the South
region are Mundum neriyathum, Pavada Davani, South silk sarees etc.
In the western region, the most common women traditional
dress is the ghagra cholis and sarees. However the draping style of the
saree is different in some states like Maharshtra. In Goa, Indian women wear
western clothes.
In eastern region, saree is the main traditional wear,
especially for the the women in West Bengal.
Check out more...
Mekhala Chaddar, Innaphi,Phanek, Jainsen,
Dakmanda, Puan etc. Get to know them in details